VCS Hall of Fame
Clair Stauffer
VHS Graduate
Coached 2 Professional Baseball Players
Devoted Teacher, Coach and Administrator
From 1928-1940 and 1944-1961 for 29 years of service
Keats Wood
Coached Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Track
Founded the Football Program in 1950
If you added up all the seasons, of all the sports that he coached it would span 46 years.
Jack Ingalls
Head Basketball Coach 63 - 69
Head Coach: Football, Track, Baseball
High School Principal
Distinguished Coaching Career at Gladstone, MI
Jim Burchett
Started the Wrestling Program at Vestaburg
Taught Jr. High and High School
Coached Football and Wrestling
Principal 70-72
Dianne Britten Wilson
28-year Teacher
Coached Basketball for 11 years
Softball 6 years
State Runner-Up 1980 Softball Team
Norm Borton
7 years PE Teacher and Coach
4 years AD
Alma College Hall of Fame
Played Professional Basketball
All State High School Football and Basketball
Jack Pearl
1962 VHS Graduate
Teacher 74-78 5 years
AD 78 1 year
Wrestling 74-77
Girls Track 74
JV Football 74-77
James Hodges
Teacher 1964 - 2010 = 46 years
Football-JV Coach 1965-67
Basketball-Freshman Coach 1969-1973
Track - Varsity Assistant Coach 1965-67, Varsity Coach 1968
Bus Driver-13 years
Scorebook 1964-2023- 59 years
Football Clock 58 years
Michigan Coaches Basketball Honorary Hall of Fame
Lions Club 46 years
Gary Lesky
Special Recognition
Teacher 18 years
Coach 17 years
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Lynn Van Sickler
Jr High Girls Basketball
Jr High Boys Basketball
Freshman Boys Basketball
JV Boys Basketball
Coach-16 years
1992- MSAC League Champs & District Champs
1993- record 19-9-4 MSAC League Champs & District Champs
1993-Coach of the Year
1993-League Sportsmanship Award
1994- MSAC League Champs & District Champs
Teacher-19 years
Athletic Director-6 years
School Board
Ken Bigelow
Overall Record 85-44
1986 District Champions
1986 Regions Champions
1986 State Semi Finalist Team
1987 Team Ranked 7th in the State (record 23-9)
1988 TCAA League Champions (record 16-4)
1988 Ranked 5th in the State (record 27-9)
1988 District Champions
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