Welcome to Vestaburg Elementary School

Vestaburg Elementary consists of grades PreK - 5th. Vestaburg is a place where strong connections are made between home and school and staff members are committed to developing the whole child.  

About Us

Elementary School

7188 Ave B
Vestaburg, MI 48891

Building Administration

Elementary Principal
Administrative Assistant


Kindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher
Grade 4 Teacher
Grade 5 Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher


Preschool Director
Preschool Coordinator
Preschool Teacher
Preschool Teacher

Student Services

School Social Worker
School Social Worker
Speech Pathologist
Mathematics Coach
Mathematics Interventionist
Reading Interventionist
School Social Worker (31n)
  • K-5 Students will enter the building at 7:55 AM
  • K-5 Breakfast will be provided from 7:55 AM- 8:30 AM in the students' classrooms.
  • Lunch will be served in the commons for all elementary students.
  • School is dismissed at 3:00 PM unless otherwise noted on the school calendar.


Students enter the building at 7:55 AM at the same doors as last year. The support staff walks the students to the cafeteria from kindergarten to 5th grade. K-5 students go through the line and select their food, allowing them to choose hot food. Selected items will then be bagged. Students will take their bags and proceed to their classrooms to enjoy breakfast. Teachers will be in classrooms at 7:55 AM to watch the students who have chosen not to eat breakfast or are in transit from the commons. No parents will be allowed to enter the building through this process. If they wish to enter the building, all parents must enter the office to get a pass.

Student Drop off and Pick Up:

We will be dropping students off in zones. This will ensure that all students can enter the building safely. Please see the below map for zones and grade locations. Parents/guardians, please be mindful of the traffic flows in the drop-off and pick-up areas. We must follow the traffic to keep our students safe.

April 23rd, 2025

25-26 Kindergarten Round up

Kindergarten Round up

Wednesday, April 23rd

10am11am, 12pm-1pm or 5:30-6:30pm

Call the office or email to RSVP a time slot

aarntz@vcs-k12.net or 989-268-5284

March Dates to Remember

March Dates to Remember

3/19: 1pm release

3/21: 1pm release

3/24-28th: Spring Break 

Elementary School

7188 Ave B
Vestaburg, MI 48891
Cindy Hillary
Elementary Principal
Ashley Arntz
Administrative Assistant