Past News
Free Kindergarten 2022-2023
Join us for a Kindergarten ROUND UP on Tuesday, April 12th!
Please join us during one of these time blocks:
10am-11am 12pm-1pm 3pm-4pm 5:30pm-6:30pm
December 3, 2021
Dear VCS Students and Families,
We live in a world and time that we cannot be too safe or cautious. As a school district, we are committed and strive to be proactive regarding our student’s and our staff’s safety, as well as their mental and physical well-being. Furthermore, it is our goal to communicate in a clear, transparent manner with all of our parents. We recognize the importance of partnering with our parents and the extra emotional stress and anxiety the events of this week at Oxford High School have placed on all of us. Thus, we want to update everyone on the events of the day and reassure everyone of our commitment to providing a safe environment.
This morning shortly after the start of the school day the district received communication from law enforcement of a potential situation that occurred outside of the school. At no time did the district or law enforcement believe there was a directed or credible threat towards any students, staff, or the school. However, out of an abundance of caution, the district decided to be proactive and enact a low-level secure mode alert. Furthermore, given the recent events in Oxford, Michigan, law enforcement was also on a high alert and working to be proactive. At approximately 1:15 pm this afternoon it was determined with law enforcement that there was not a credible or directed threat and thus, the security alert was lifted and the school resumed business as normal.
Upon hearing the initial report, the district immediately enacted the security measures which included going into secure mode, continuing to work closely with the law enforcement, contacting our contracted school security expert who was also on-site for much of the day, conducting a threat assessment, adjusting lunch procedures, and communicating with staff, parents, The School Board of Education, and other agencies that we partner with. While we know this was stressful for many, we felt acting out of an abundance of caution was the best practice to achieve our goal of the overall safety of our students and staff. It is important to note that the secure mode enacted today is the lowest level of alerts in our emergency response plans.
Additionally, we want to remind everyone of the security measures that we have in place at Vestaburg Community School. As mentioned above the district contracts with a school security expert to help us create and revise our school security procedures and protocol. As part of this partnership, he participates The Vision of Vestaburg Community School is to empower all to create and achieve their goals and dreams. in our security drills and helps provide guidance during security incidents. Vestaburg Community School was one of the first schools in the nation and second in Michigan to install the BlueTooth SmartBoot system throughout the district. This system allows us to lock down the building within 3-5 seconds from anywhere in the building using The Boot door barricades. We also have installed Ballistic Shields on all entrances, and Rapid Response Room Placards on every room in the district.
While we know that there is not a perfect system, we want to reassure you that we have and continue to be committed to the security of our school! The School Board of Education and the administration have dedicated many hours and considerable funds to provide the safest environment possible for our students.
Our commitment is ongoing and goes well beyond the words typed in this letter! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your partnership in the safety and education of our students.
Lynn Van Sickler, Board President
Brandon Hubbard, Superintendent
At this time, it has been determined with law enforcement that there is no credible or directed threat to our students, staff, or school. Thus, we are going to be lifting the secure mode. Furthermore, all afters school activities will continue as planned. If there are any new developments they will be communicated immediately. Thank you all for your patient and diligence as we worked through this situation.
This morning shortly after the start of the school day the district received communication from law enforcement of a potential situation that occurred outside of the school. At this time there is no directed threat to our students or school building. However, out of an abundance of caution, the district decided to be proactive and enact a low-level secure mode alert. Given the recent events in Oxford, Michigan, law enforcement is also on a high alert and working to be proactive in the local districts. The safety of our students and our school is our top priority! Vestaburg Community School is highly interested in the safety, security, and mental health of our students and staff. We are aware of the impact of the events in Oxford, Michigan have had on our students, staff, and parents. We have highly invested in security procedures and technology to help provide a safe environment.
Again, please be reminded that there is no directed threat to any students, staff, or school building. Parents, please know that we are committed to communicating with you in a very transparent and open manner and will communicate any further updates as they become available.
Brandon Hubbard
Vestaburg Community Schools
Dear Families:
We are deeply saddened by the events that occurred at Oxford High School Thursday, November 30, 2021. As this tragedy is broadcast nationwide, it is certain to spark important conversations with your child. To support our families, we wanted to share information about how to talk with children about this type of event. Here are a few suggestions:
● Stay calm. Providing a calm adult response can significantly help children cope.
● Minimize exposure to the media. Repeated exposure can contribute to increased anxiety and fear.
● Reduce your child’s exposure to conversations that are occurring about the event. Seeing and hearing adults overwhelmed or consumed with the information can increase children’s fears.
● Safety and security are primary needs for children. Let your child know it is normal to be afraid and for adults worry. Reassure them, that their school is a safe place to be.
● If your child learns of the incident today or the next few days, listen carefully to their thoughts and worries.
● Keep your daily routines as normal as possible. Providing a sense of normalcy can be comforting.
● Most importantly, hug your children tight and reassure them that they are safe.
As you comfort your child, please know that Vestaburg Community School is a safe place for your student to be. At Vestaburg, we have installed and implemented a state-of-the-art security program that is one of the first and best in the nation. In addition, we have contracted with a school security expert that helps us conduct our security drills and evaluates our procedures continually. . Please be reminded that we are each other and our students the best protection. The best strategy is that we are all watching for potential issues and communicate those issues proactively. If you or your child hear or see anything of concern please report it immediately to law enforcement and school officials. See Something, Say Something!
As you work through this tragedy please feel free to reach to our Vestaburg Wellness Team for support. We have many counselors and social workers that are happy and willing to help support you and your child.
If you would like additional information about your school(s) safety procedures, please contact any of our district administrators. Be assured school safety continues to be our highest priority as we continue to send our prayers, thoughts, and support to the Oxford community today and throughout their recovery.
Brandon L. Hubbard
Vestaburg Community School
ESSER III - Funding:
Vestaburg Community Schools is seeking input from our stakeholders regarding the potential use of ESSER III Funding. ESSER stands for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding. These funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic. Please take a few minutes to let us know your opinions by completing this survey by December 1, 2021.
Toys for Tots Registration
There is a new process to sign up for Toys for Tots. It is available for anyone 0-18 years old in our school district! Forms have been sent home or you can pick one up in our office. Forms are due November 16th!
Contact Tonya DeVerney with any questions!
Congratulations to the VCS Girls Cross Country team.
2nd place in the MSAC! Great work Ladies! We are proud of you!
Great Job! We ARE Vestaburg!
All Conference - MSAC
1st team - Owen Patton, Mickiah Allbee 2nd team - Jessica Penrod, Abigail Davis, Allison Wichert
July 13th, 2021
We know that many of you have questions regarding what is going to happen next fall. What is school going to look like? If we have learned anything this past year and a half it is that things are always subject to change, however, this is our plan as it stands right now.
The VCS plan for the 2021-2022 year is to return to a “normal” school schedule of 5 days a week of face-to-face instruction with a daily schedule of 8 am-3:00 pm. We will offer a virtual program for those that need individual accommodations due to medical needs and/or those that have proven they can be successful with virtual learning. All virtual learners must be approved by the district Administration.
If you will be pursuing virtual learning for your child, please contact your child’s CURRENT building principal to discuss. If you have specific questions about next year please contact your child's building leaders. Please keep in mind that the state requirements and directives may change before school starts. As always we will try to keep everyone updated and will be releasing more information as it becomes available and we get closer to the start of school.
Thank you to Home Grown Industries of Vestaburg for the generous donation of $560 to our National Honor Society! Home Grown donated 10% of all fall mums sales to NHS to help pay for their trip to New York City next spring. Your generosity and support of our school is very much appreciated!
Also, congratulations to the new National Honor Society officers. President-Jenna Dove, Vice President-MacKenzie Neelis, Treasurer-Collin Diehl, and Secretary-Madison Graham.
Vestaburg Community School is looking for Bus Drivers. Anyone interested please contact Central Office for more details. Applicants do not need certification to apply. The school district will work with and help interested parties obtain the necessary training and certifications.