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Welcome to Vestaburg Middle/High School

  • Daily Office Hours:  7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Secondary (6-12) Daily Breakfast:  7:45 a.m. to  7:55 a.m.  
  • Secondary School day  8:00 a.m. to  3:00 p.m.  

Daily Schedule

No student is allowed to leave school property once they have arrived without permission of the building principal or designee. Doing so will result in consequences aligned with skipping school. 

Students are not allowed to remain in the building unsupervised.  Students are expected to leave the building and school property by 3:10 pm daily unless they are being supervised by a staff member or after-school activity coach or supervisor.  

2024-2025 VHS Yearbook

Parents, guardians, and community members are invited to purchase an ad for a Vestaburg High School student. Each student with an ad purchased for them will receive a FREE yearbook! 


Middle/High School

7188 Ave B
Vestaburg, MI 48891
Kristine Lance
Middle/High School Principal
Gretchan Verhaar
Administrative Assistant
Ty Warczinsky
Athletic Director
Dean of Students

YATES2  Driver’s Training
2550 W. Cheeseman Rd.
Alma, MI 48801

Mountain Town Driving Instruction
1304 E. Palmer St.
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

Ideal Driver's School
5469 S. Greenville Rd. #B
Greenville, MI 48838

No Excuses Driving School 
Grenville, MI 48838

Dave Packer
Carson City, MI 